Vincent of Beauvais
Vincentius Belvacensis
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Gabriel, A. L., The educational ideas of Vincent of Beauvais, Notre Dame (Ind.) 1956 (Texts and Studies in the History of Mediaeval Education 4).
Gabriel, A. L., Vincenz von Beauvais, ein mittelalterlicher Erzieher. Neubearbeitete deutsche Ausgabe, Frankfurt/Main 1967.
Jacobs-Pollez, R.J., The Education of Noble Girls in Medieval France: Vincent of Beauvais and De eruditione filiorum nobilium. Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia 2012, ix+260 pp.
McCarthy, J. M., Humanistic Emphases in the Educational Thought of Vincent of Beauvais, Leiden etc. 1976 (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 10).
Pereira Miatello, A. L., O rei e o reino sob o olhar do pregador: Vicente de Beauvais e a realeza no século XIII [The king and the kingdom under the eye of the preacher: Vincent of Beauvais and the concept of Christian kingship in the 13th century]. In: Revista Brasileira de História 32 no. 63 (2012), pp. 225-246.
Rytko, E. G., Vincenzo Bellovacense, sua figura e suo pensiero pedagogico, Rome 1962. Schlosser, F., Vincent von Beauvais. Hand- und Lehrbuch für Königliche Prinzen und ihre Lehrer, 2 vols., Frankfurt/Main 1819. Digital facsimile of vol. 1 and vol. 2.
Schmidt, H.-J., The Use of Mirrors of Princes. In: Perret, N.-L., and Péquignot, S. [eds.], A Critical Companion to the 'Mirrors for Princes' Literature, Leiden 2022 (Reading Medieval Sources, vol. 7), Chapter 15, pp. 473-513.
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Vergara Ciordia, J., PsicobiologÃa y educación en la Baja Edad Media: las edades del hombre en Vicente de Beauvais (1190-1264) [Psycho-Biology and Education in the Early Middle Ages: the Ages of Man in Vincent of Beauvais (1190-1264)]. In: Revista de Educación 357 (2012), pp. 423-443.
Image: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C398, f° 89vo.