Vincent of Beauvais
Vincentius Belvacensis
About us
In May 1996, Hans Voorbij published the first version of the Vincent of Beauvais website on the internet. At the start, the website basically offered the bibliography of the following Ph.D. on the genesis of the Speculum Historiale:
Voorbij, J. B., Het `Speculum Historiale' van Vincent van Beauvais. Een studie van zijn ontstaansgeschiedenis, (Ph.D. Groningen University) Groningen 1991 (with an English summary). ISBN 90-800641-1-4.
During the following years further sections were added to the website and systematically updated.
In June 2007, Eva Albrecht defended her Ph.D. on the genesis and compilation of the Speculum Naturale at the Catholic University of Louvain:
Albrecht, E., De ontstaansgeschiedenis en de compilatie van het "Speculum Naturale" van Vincent van Beauvais († 1264). Ph.D., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Louvain 2007, 2 vols.
The authors decided to merge the rich materials on which their studies are based into a unified presentation on this Vincent of Beauvais website, which departs from their common conclusions on the genesis of the entire Speculum Maius.
Since 2010, Hans Voorbij and Eva Albrecht are the editors of the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter.
Dr. Eva Albrecht