Vincent of Beauvais
Vincentius Belvacensis
Feature articles of the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter
List of feature articles
The 34 volumes of the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter published from 1976 to 2009, have been issued on paper only. Since December 2016, a full run of the paper Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter is archived at Cambridge University Library (UK) , and at Bradley University (Peoria, Ill., USA) in the VH Chase Special Collections of the Cullom-Davis Library.
Scans of Feature Articles that have been published in the paper volumes, can be obtained from the Newsletter’s present editors at
Gregory G. Guzman started to edit the (printed) Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter in the fall of 1976. As from issue 35 (2010), Hans Voorbij and Eva Albrecht continued the Newsletter, in digital format only.
The following listing presents all Feature Articles that have been published in the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter.
Vol. 47 (2023), pp. 4-26: Lonati, E., New research on a major source of Vincent of Beauvais: the Chronicon by Helinand of Froidmont​
vol. 46 (2022), pp. 5-22: Voorbij, H., The transfer of the crown of thorns to Paris in 1239: Vincent of Beauvais paraphrases Gautier Cornu.
vol. 45 (2021), pp. 4-27: Albrecht E., and Voorbij, H., A synopsis of the Speculum Maius: An exploration of manuscript Paris, BNFr, lat. 6428D.
vol. 44 (2020), pp. 4-20: Voorbij, H. The Praises of the Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist by Vincent of Beauvais. New evidence on manuscripts and incunable editions of De laudibus beate Virginis Marie and De laudibus sancti Johannis Evangeliste.
vol. 43 (2019):
pp. 4-16: Ortúzar Escudero, M.J., The five senses and the human/animal divide: some philosophical thoughts on anatomy from three encyclopaedias of the 13th century.
pp. 17-20: Albrecht, E., New research of the Speculum naturale and doctrinale manuscripts after surprising observations in manuscript 15 of Exeter College.
vol. 42 (2018):
pp. 4-16: Ortúzar Escudero, M.J., The Role of the spiritus animalis in Accounts of Perception: Medical and Philosophical Remarks from three 13th-century Encyclopedias.
pp. 17-26: Kovács, A., A fragmentary Hungarian translation of Vincent of Beauvais’ Liber de laudibus beate Marie virginis from the 14th century?
vol. 41 (2017):
pp. 4-14: Villarroel Fernández, I., The Flores philosophorum et poetarum: in the pathway of Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum doctrinale.
pp. 15-34: Ninitte, F., Defining the perception of Muḥammad and Islam in Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum historiale and its French translation by Jean de Vignay.
vol. 40 (2016), pp. 4-17: Clesse, G., How to Evaluate the Impact of Arabic Sources in 13th-century Latin Encyclopedias.
vol. 39 (2015), pp. 4-19: Blizard, M.A., Martyrs with Unknown Persecutors: Creating Chronology in Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum Historiale.
vol. 38 (2014), pp. 4-17: Voorbij, H., An updated list of surviving manuscripts of the Speculum Maius.
vol. 37 (2012), pp. 4-14: Tiner, E.C., Mirrored Genres: The Fall of the Angels in Vincent of Beauvais' Speculum Historiale and Thomas Chaundler's Liber Apologeticus.
vol. 36 (2011), pp. 4-13: Jacobs-Pollez, R.J., The education of noble girls in medieval France: Vincent of Beauvais and De eruditione filiorum nobilium: a dissertation in work.
vol. 35 (2010), pp. 5-15: Mews, C.J., Zahora, T., Nikulin, D., and Squire, D., The Speculum morale (c. 1300) and the study of textual transformations: a research project in progress.
vol. 34 (2009), pp. 3-9: Albrecht, E. Summary of PhD: De ontstaansgeschiedenis en de compilatie van het Speculum Naturale van Vincent van Beauvais († 1264) (The Genesis and Compliation of the Speculum Naturale of Vincent of Beauvais († 1264)).
vol. 33 (2008):
pp. 3-6: Lee, H.-M., Images, culture et mémoire d'histoire: l'iconographie dans l'encyclopédie historique de Vincent de Beauvais.
pp. 7-12: Brun, L., and Cavagna, M., Jean de Vignay's Miroir historial: an edition's progress.
vol. 32 (2007)
pp. 2-6: Murray, K., The Visio Karoli Krassi, Vincent of Beauvais' Speculum Historiale, and Bower's Scotichronicon.
pp. 7-10: Lukács, E.A., Literary aspects of the divine sphere in the works of Alain of Lille, Jean de Meun, and Vincent de Beauvais. In: Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter 32 (2007), pp. 7-10.
vol. 31 (2006)
pp. 3-8: Franklin-Brown, M., Contained Dissonance: The Speculum maius and Medieval Literary Practice.
pp. 9-12: Onuma, Y., The Appropriation of the Classics in Mandeville's Travels.
vol. 30 (2005), pp. 2-7: Palmieri, S., Il manoscritto lat. 431 della Biblioteca Estense di Modena e lo Speculum historiale di Vincenzo di Beauvais.
vol. 29 (2004), pp. 3-5: Goldenberg, D., Medieval Ethnography: A Comparative Analysis of Ethnographic Descriptions from the 11th – 13th Centuries.
vol. 28 (2003), pp. 3-7: Guzman, G.G., Some Preliminary Comments on a Speculum historiale Manuscript in the Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek, Luzern (Latin Ms P Msc 13.2° Vol. IV).
vol. 27 (2002), pp. 2-4: Itoh, R., The Decoration of the Cambron Speculum Manuscripts.
vol. 26 (2001), pp. 4-9: St. Louis, L.L., Prolegomenon to an Edition of the Pseudo-Virgilian Culex: An overview with special reference to the role of Vincent of Beauvais in Culex scholarship.
vol. 25 (2000), pp. 5-12: Huglo, M., The dispersal of the Manuscripts of Royaumont in Europe and in North America.
vol. 24 (1999), pp. 4-8: Gill, M., The Speculum Historiale as a Source for Art: The Eton College Wall Paintings.
vol. 23 (1998), pp. 3-6: Aurvoll, J. S., The structure of history. A study of the index of the Speculum Historiale of Vincent of Beauvais.
vol. 22 (1997)
pp. 3-4: Graglia, E. The Way of Life, Man's Ages, and the Educational Models in the Specula of Vincent of Beauvais.
pp. 4-5: Fijalkowski, A., The Educational Ideas of Vincent of Beauvais and Their Reception in Medieval Poland.
vol. 21 (1996)
pp. 4-6: Albrecht, E., Vincent of Beauvais († 1264) and the Speculum Maius. The compiling and adapting techniques of a thirteenth-century dominican.
pp. 7-13: Coffey, Th. F., Vincent of Beauvais' On the Form and Nature of the Human Body. A Gauge for Measuring Accuracy in Pre-modern Times.
vol. 20 (1995)
pp. 8-12: Schuler, S., L'encyclopédie médiévale en tant que véhicule de l'écriture pragmatique - le cas de réception et de transmission du `De architectura' de Vitruve dans le `Speculum maius' de Vincent de Beauvais.
pp. 13-18: Albrecht, E., "Epilogus speculi historialis continens tractatum de ultimis temporibus": a first introduction to Vincent of Beauvais as compiler of the `Speculum Maius'.
vol. 19 (1994)
pp. 9-13: Schneider, R.J., Vincent of Beauvais’ "De morali principis institutione": Reflections on a new Critical Edition.
pp. 14-21: Williams, S. J., Vincent of Beauvais' Handling of Spuria in the `Speculum Maius'.
vol. 18 (1993), pp. 6-13: Nadeau, A., Adam of Clermont, Abbreviator of the `Speculum historiale': A Re-evaluation.
vol. 17 (1992): --
vol. 16 (1991), pp. 3-8: Voorbij, J. B., Summary of: Het `Speculum Historiale' van Vincent van Beauvais. Een studie van zijn ontstaansgeschiedenis.
vol. 15 (1990), pp. 4-9: Ermatinger, C. J., Selections from Vincent of Beauvais, `Speculum Historiale', in Codex Vaticanus Barberinianus Latinus 2699.
vol. 14 (1989), pp. 4-10: Tolan, J., The `Speculum Historiale' redaction of Petrus Alfonsi's `Dialogi contra Iudaeos'.
vol. 13 (1988), pp. 3-6: Schmidt-Chazan, M., La réception de Sigebert de Gembloux dans les chroniques universelles françaises de la fin du XIIe au début du XIVe siècle.
vol. 12 (1987), pp. 3-11: Schneider, R.J., and Voorbij, J.B., A hand-list of manuscripts of the minor treatises of Vincent de Beauvais.
vol. 11 (1986), pp. 2-6: Smits, E.R., A Project on Helinand of Froidmont.
vol. 10 (1985), pp. 3-6: Tobin, R.B., Some Further Thoughts on Vincent of Beauvais and the Education of Women.
vol. 9 (1984), pp. 3-9: Eckenrode, Th.R., Vincent of Beauvais and the Round Earth: Some Considerations.
vol. 8 (1983), pp. 6-10: McCarthy, J.M., Intercultural Dimensions of Vincent de Beauvais' Writings: Some Preliminary Considerations.
vol. 7 (1982): --
vol. 6 (1981), pp. 4-6: Schneider, R.J., `De Morali Principis Institutione': a Progress Report.
vol. 5 (1980), pp. 3-5: [Guzman, G.G.], An Inside Look at the Nancy II Project.
vol. 4 (1979): --
vol. 3 (1978), pp. 5-6: Weisheipl, J.A., Is a Critical Edition of the `Speculum Maius' Possible?
vol. 2 (1977), pp. 3-5: McCarthy, J.M., Research on Vincent de Beauvais: Trends and Possibilities.
vol. 1 (1976): --
For more information on the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter