Vincent of Beauvais
Vincentius Belvacensis

Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter

47 issues of the Newsletter
Scholars who are interested into Vincent of Beauvais' oeuvre and its Fortleben may subscribe to the free Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter, which is published once a year.
Each issue of the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter presents an editorial, a Feature Article, information on recent publications, abstracts of PhD’s, a listing of papers presented at congresses and symposiums and various news items dealing with Vincent of Beauvais. From issue 35 on, the editors added a section “Digital News”, since more and more information relevant to Vincent scholars is becoming available online, the digital format in some cases being the only existing format.
Gregory G. Guzman started to edit the (printed) Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter in the fall of 1976. The 34 volumes of the Newsletter published from 1976 to 2009, have been issued on paper only. As from issue 35 (2010), Hans Voorbij and Eva Albrecht continued the Newsletter, in digital format only.
A full run of the paper Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter is archived at Cambridge University Library (UK), and at Bradley University (Peoria, Ill., USA) in the VH Chase Special Collections of the Cullom-Davis Library.
Click here to find a list of all Feature Articles of the Newsletter published untill today.
You may send your subscription to Please mention your area of interest into Vincent of Beauvais and your current email address.
Subscribers will receive the Newsletter in PDF-format by email once a year, by the end of January
The editors invite scholars to submit Feature Articles for the Newsletter. Please also inform us on any papers, articles, books, reviews or web publications on Vincent of Beauvais that you publish or present. In this way you help us to keep our files up to date.
Please use the email adress to forward your contributions.
For all feature articles of the Vincent of Beauvais Newsletter.