Vincent of Beauvais
Vincentius Belvacensis
He* - Corresponding books in the printed edition of the Douai version of the Speculum Historiale, Douai, 1624; I - Additional information on the speculum text as present in the manuscript, or on other texts present in the manuscript, or on material damage; D - Date of the manuscript; P - Country, region or place of production; if available, information on the scribe(s) of the manuscript; O - Medieval and pre-modern owners of the manuscript; L - Hyperlink to digital facsimiles of the manuscript; R - Reference to manuscripts listed in other parts of the inventory, with which this manuscript at the time of its production constituted a set of volumes. Manuscripts that have been collected into a set by a single medieval collector (library) within several decades, are indicated with cf.
Ha: Speculum Historiale, Dijon version
17 manuscripts of the Dijon version of the Speculum Historiale (Ha) have been identified. Three of them contain elements of the Douai version.
Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, II.1.fol.194, vol. I, books I-VI (He* I-VII); vol. II, books VII-XV (He* VIII-XV); vol. III, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII); and vol. IV, books XXIV-XXXI,127 (He* XXIV-XXXI,127).
Siglum: Ha1
I: vol IV: due to loss of leaves, the text of XXXI,128-129 is missing.
D: vol. I: 1469 (fol. 316v: … anno domini 1469); vol. II: ca. 1470; vol. III: 1470 (fol. 348r: Expedita est ista pars speculi anno domini mocccco lxxo, sancte Agnetis uirginis [!]; vol. IV: ca. 1470.
P: Southern Germany (Füssen, or region of Augsburg); the scribe of vol. I was Ulricus Satzger, vicarius in Stötten (fol. 316v: Explicit prima pars libri speculi hystorialis … quem scripsit Vlricus Saczger …); vol. II was produced by Leonhardus Traber, probably a monk of the cloister of St. Mang (fol. 347r: Scriptus per Leonhardum Traber).
O: cl. St. Mang in Füssen O.S.B.; since ca. 1802 in Harburg über Donauwirth, Fürstl. Öttingen-Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek; acquired by the Free State of Bavaria in 1980 on behalf of the University Library Augsburg.
Chalon-sur-Saône, Bibliothèque municipale, 5, books I-VII,148 (He* I-VIII,137)
Siglum: Ha2
I: Due to loss of leaves, the text of VII,149 is missing.
D: early 14th century
P: France
O: cl. La Ferté-sur-Grosne O.Cist.
Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, 568, books I-VII (He* I-VIII); Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, 17970, books VIII-XV (He* IX-XV); Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale, 569, books XVI-XXIII,2 (He* XVI-XXIII,2)
Siglum: Ha3
I: Dijon 569: due to loss of quires, the text of book XXIII is incomplete.
D: 2nd half of 13th century (ca. 1260?)
P: France (region of Paris)
O: This manuscript may have come from cl. Royaumont O.Cist., as the erased words Liber Beate Marie de Regali Monte in Dijon 568, fol. 264r, might suggest (but it is also possible that the scribe unthinkingly copied these words from his exemplar); cl. Cîteaux O.Cist.; Brussels 17970 was owned by Barthélemy Mercier, librarian of Ste. Geneviève at Parijs, and in 1799 acquired by Charles Van Hulthem.
Digital facsimile of Dijon 568; facsimile of one image from Dijon 569.
R: cf. Nc2
Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek, Staats- und Seminarbibliothek 180, books XXV-XXXII (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha14
D: 1462
P: Southern Germany, by the scribe "Ge. Wal."
O: Eichstätt, cl. Sankt Peter O.P.
Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek, 407/1, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII); 407/2, books XXIV-XXXI (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha4
D: ca. 1286-1300
P: Southern Germany
O: cl. Heilsbronn O.Cist. (owner marks Liber iste est beate marie uirginis in Hailsbrunn in 407/1 at fol. 169v, and in 407/2 at fol. 199v); probably acquired when Heinrich von Hirschlach (1282-1317) was abbott of Heilsbronn.
Graz, Universitätsbibliothek, 529, vol. 1, books XIII,66-XVI (He* XII,68-XV); 529, vol. 2, XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Ha5
I: vol. I: due to loss of leaves, the text of book XIII is incomplete.
D: vol. I: ca. 1440; vol. II: 1440.
P: Austria; vol. II was written at Mariazell, by commission of Hainricus, abbott of cl. St. Lambrecht O.S.B. (fol. 381r: Explicit tercia pars Speculi hystorialis finita in Cella Beate Marie Virginis de mandato uenerabilis patris et domini, domini Hainrici abbatis monasterii Sancti Lamberti anno Domini etc. XL).
O: cl. St. Lambrecht O.S.B.
Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek, Cod. Sal. IX.41,1, books I-VI (He* I-VII); Cod. Sal. IX.41,2, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Ha6
D: early 14th century
P: Southern Germany
O: cl. Salem O.Cist.
L: Digital facsimiles of Cod. Sal. IX.41,1 and Cod. Sal. IX.41,2.
Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol, 17, books I-VI (He* I-VII); 23, books VII-XV (He* VIII-XV); 18, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Ha7
I: ms 18: fols. 240-246, which are a later addition, contain variants of the legend of the Three Kings (Gesta et translationes and Legenda trium regum)
D: ms. 17: ca. 1319; ms. 23: ca. 1319; ms. 18: 1319 (fol. 239v: … anno domini MCCCXIXo. Explicit iste liber.)
P: Austria (Stams); the decoration of ms. 17 was made by Heinricus (f. 201v: Heinricus librum redimiuit floribus istum); the scribe Waltherus Nothkauf wrote mss. 23 and 18 (ms. 23, fol. 297v: Scriptus per Waltherum; ms. 18, fol. 239v: Explicit tercia pars speculi hystorialis scripta a Walthero …); ms. 18, f. 246v (added leave) mentions Qui me scribebat Vlricus nomen habebat.
O: cl. Stams O.Cist.; ms. 17 has been on loan to cl. Wilten O.Praem. and possibly has been the exemplar of Ha8.
Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol, 103, books I-VI (He* I-VII)
Siglum: Ha8
D: middle of 15th century
P: Austria (Tirol), possibly copied from Ha7 (ms. 17)
O: cl. Wilten O.Praem. ?
Lambach, Stiftsbibliothek, 10, books IX-XVI (He* VIII-XV); 11, books XVII-XXIV (He* XVI-XXIII); 12, books XXV-XXXII (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha9
D: ms. 10: 1470 (fol. 364v: Explicit liber iste Anno et cetera lxxo In uigilia Purificationis Marie intemerate uirginis); ms. 11: 1459 (fol. 360v: Explicit tercia pars speculi historialis … Sabbato die ante dominicam Inuocauit Anno domini MoCCCCo quinquagesimonono …); ms. 12: middle of 15th century.
P: Southern Germany; ms. 11 has been written by Laurentius Roschierobecus (fol. 6r: Precedens apicem librum sequensque capitlum [!] Scriptor Laurencius Roschierobecus) at the expense of Johannes Faustus from Auerbach (fol. 360v: … de precio domini Johannis de Aurpach dictus Faustus tunc temporis predicatori [!] in Strawbinga et cetera).
O: Johannes Faustus from Auerbach ?; present of Oswaldus Eysentaler, vicarius at Scherding, to cl. Lambach O.S.B.
R: He29
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 2662, books IX-XVI (He* VIII-XV); clm 2663, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII); clm 2664, books XXIV-XXXI (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha10
I: clm 2662: fol. 2, which is an inserted leaf, presents Vincent's dedicatory letter to king Louis IX.
D: clm 2662: ca. 1324; clm 2663: first half of 14th century; clm 2664: first half of 14th century;
P: Southern Germany
O: cl. Aldersbach O.Cist.
R: He49
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 8201B, books XVII-XXIV (He* XVI-XXIII); clm 8201C, books XXV-XXXII (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha11
D: ca. 1332
P: Southern Germany
O: cl. Metten O.S.B.
R: He51
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 28184, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII); clm 7988, books XXIV-XXXI (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha12
D: ca. 1290/1300
P: France
O: cl. Kaisheim O.Cist.
Rein, Cistercienserstift, Cod. Run. 98, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII); Cod. Run. 99, books XXIV-XXXI (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Ha13
I: Cod. Run. 98 lacks book XVI,11-43 (He* XVI,11-50).
D: first half of 15th century
P: Austria
O: cl. Rein O.Cist.
R: He86
The following three manuscripts of the Dijon version contain elements of the Douai version (He):
Barcelona, Biblioteca de la Catedral, Cod. 23, books I-VII (after reworking I-VIII) (He* I-VII)
Siglum: Hae1
I: I: The libellus Apologeticus, the Prologue to the Speculum Historiale and the list of chapter titles are conform the Douai version (He); the text of books IV en V has been adapted and extended, for which, among other revisions, a ternio (ff. 120-125) has been inserted containing the text of He V,1-34 (first half); in line with this, the book and chapters numbers have been renumbered and the numbering of the following books has been revised too, now being VII-VIII.
D: 14th century
P: France
O: ?
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 8, books I-XIV (He* I-XIV)
Siglum: Hae2
I: Due to loss of leaves, the final chapters of the Libellus Apologeticus and the Prologue to the Speculum Historiale are missing; the list of chapter titles of books VII-VIII and XV originally conformed to He, but have been revised following Ha; the rubricator numbered books I-XIV as II-XV, this rubrication being revised afterwards; book I has lacunas due to loss of leaves; book VII contains the text of He book IX; at the back of the manuscript the list of chapter titles of books He XXI-XXXII is presented, but their numbering is changed into XX-XXXI, with lacunas for book XX due to loss of leaves.
D: early 14th century
P: Northern France ?
O: Matthew Parker, fellow of Corpus Christi College, archbishop of Canterbury from 1559 to 1575.
Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Rkp. 442 III, books I-VII (He* I-VII)
Siglum: Hae3
I: The alphabetical index, Libellus Apologeticus en Prologue to the Speculum Historiale conform to He.
D: first quarter of the 15th century
P: Poland (Kraków)
O: Johannes of Radochoce (†1450); Kraków, University (at the verso of the first fly-leaf: Liber datus per magistrum Iohannem de Radochoncza pro Collegio artistarum).
Hb: Speculum Historiale, Klosterneuburg version
1 manuscript of the Klosterneuburg version of the Speculum Historiale (Hb) has been identified:
Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, R. 341 (II.N.9.f.), books XVI-XXX (He* XVI-XXXI)
Siglum: Hb1
I: During the Second World War severely damaged by a fire.
D: ca. 1315
P: Northern France; written by Gualterus Dominici de Platea.
O: Breslau (Wroclaw), Thomas Rehdiger (1541-1576); library of the Elisabeth Church (since 1645); Stadtbibliothek Breslau (since 1865-1867); kept in the University Library since 1945.
L: A monochrome facsimile (microfilm) is available in the Digital Library of Wroclaw University.
R: Hx3 ?
Four manuscripts of the Vienna version (Hc) contain elements of the Klosterneuburg version:
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, lat. fol. 491 (Hcb1)
Klosterneuburg, Chorherrenstift, 128 (Hcb2)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 292 (Hcba1)
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 392 (Hcba2)
Hc: Speculum Historiale, Vienna version
6 manuscripts of the Vienna version of the Speculum Historiale (Hc) have been identified. 4 of them contain elements of other versions.
Prague, Narodnà Muzeum, XVII B 19, books I-VI (He* I-VI)
Siglum: Hc1
D: 14th century
P: Moravia ?, by Heymannus of Saar (fol. 267r: Explicit prima pars Speculi hystorialis per manus fratris Heymanni de Sar).
O: cl. Zdár (Saar) O.Cist. ?; trace of owner's mark at the back: su<m> d<…> domus d<e> do<…>; since the 18th century at Breznice castle, in possession of the noble family Kolovrat, according to notes at flyleaf 1v (Ex Bibliotheca arcis Brzeznicensis) and fol. 1r (Hr. Kolowrat Krakowskehu Wiernie astale 1752); possibly part of the collection of manuscripts that Josef Kolovrat donated to the Narodnà Muzeum in 1819.
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 393, books XVI-XXIII (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Hc2
D: first half of 14th century
P: Austria
O: Salzburg, cl. St. Rupert Can. S.Aug. ?; since 1806 at Vienna.
R: Hcba2
The following 2 manuscripts of the Vienna version (Hc) contain elements of the Klosterneuburg version (Hb):
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, lat. fol. 491, books XXIV-XXXI (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Hcb1
I: Originally, the list of chapter titles of books XXIV-XXIX conformed to Hb, but the rubricator adapted it to Hc; fragments of the original list are glued on the inner sides of the front and back covers; the text of book XXV originally conformed to Hb, but the rubricator adapted it to the text of Hc, for which he inserted several leaves (fols. 61-65 and 75-85); due to loss of leaves, the text of books XXVI-XXVIII is incomplete.
D: 14th century
P: Austria
O: Gräflich Starhembergische Bibliothek at Riedegg (Austria), probably since the 16th century.
Klosterneuburg, Chorherrenstift, 128, books I,3-VI (He* I,3-VI)
Siglum: Hcb2
I: The list of chapter titles (ff. 8v-45v) of books II-XXX conform to Hb (He* I-XXXI).
D: ca. 1421
P: Austria (Klosterneuburg)
O: In 1421 acquired by cl. Klosterneuburg Can. S.Aug. according to a statement in ms. Klosterneuburg 625A (Liber oblationum et anniversariorum), fol. 6r, at March 14: Nicolaus de Tulna, Anne uxoris sue [!], dominus Ludwicus presbiter (by a second hand: olim decanus huius monasterii] et canonicus frater noster cum aliis filiis suis dederunt xii talenta pro quibus comparati sunt duo libri speculi Vincencii anno domini mo etc. xxio.
R: He28
The following 2 manuscripts of the Vienna version (Hc) contain elements of the Klosterneuburg (Hb) and Dijon (Ha) versions:
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 292, books I-VI (He* I-VI), VIII,103-111 (He* –), and XV,79-85 (He* –)
Siglum: Hcba1
I: The manuscript contains Vincent's dedicatory letter to king Louis IX; it descends from ms. Hcba2.
D: 1432 (fol. 292r: Anno domini MoCCCCoXXXIIo completus circa horam Vam post meridiem in uigilia Luce)
P: Southern Germany, by Petrus Haesel (fol. 292r: Finitus est iste liber ... per manus [!] Petri Haesel de Neunkirichen, scriptor indignus et usualis).
O: Munich, Kurfürstliche Bibliothek
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 392, books I-VI (He* I-VI), VIII,103-111 (He* –), and XV,79-85 (He* –)
Siglum: Hcba2
I: The list of chapter titles of books XVI, XVII, XX en XXI conform to Hb; on a double leaf inserted at the front of the manuscript, a second scribe copied Vincent's dedicatory letter to king Louis IX, conform to Ha.
D: first half of the 14th century
P: Austria
O: Salzburg, cl. St. Rupert Can. S.Aug. ?; since 1806 at Vienna.
R: Hc2
Hd: Speculum Historiale, Saint-Jacques version
15 manuscripts of the Saint-Jacques version of the Speculum Historiale (Hd) have been identified. 3 of them contain elements of other versions.
Arras, Médiathèque municipale, 566, vol. 3, books I-XV (He* I-XV)
Siglum: Hd1
I: The Libellus Apologeticus and the Prologue to the Speculum Historiale, which in the version Hd are usually numbered as book I with inclusion of the list of chapter titles, are lacking; due to loss of leaves the text has serious lacunas.
D: ca. 1300
P: Northern France
O: Arras, cl. Saint Vaast O.S.B.
R: He1
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque des Annonciades, 130, vol. 1, books I-XVIII (He* I-XVII); vol. 2, books XIX,45-XXXII,118 (He* XVIII,45-XXXI,118)
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque des Annonciades, 131, books I-XIX,5 (He* I-XVIII,5)
Siglum: Hd3
I: Due to loss of leaves, the end of Book VI and the beginning of Book VII are missing.
D: 1297 (fol. 388v: Qui duo libri in omni opere suo perfecti sunt anno domini MCCo nonagesimo septimo).
P: Northern France, commissioned by Eustache of Lille, abbott of Saint Bertin 1294-1297 (fol. 388v: Hunc librum, cum alio consimili cronicorum Vincentii, fecit scribi et fieri dominus Eustasius de Insula, monachus sancti Bertini, postea abbas eiusdem monasterii).
O: Saint-Omer, cl. Saint Bertin O.S.B.
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Bibliothèque des Annonciades, 132, books VIII-XV (He* VIII-XV); 133, books XXV-XXXII (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, II.941, books I-VIII (He* I-VII); Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, James Ford Bell Library, f. VI vol. 1, books IX-XVI (He* VIII-XV); and f. VI vol. 2, books XXV-XXXII (He* XXIV-XXXI)
Siglum: Hd5
D: ca. 1280
P: Northern France (region of Cambrai); the scribe Jean de Rebais produced the two Minneapolis volumes (vol. 1, fol. 251r: Johannes de Resbais scripsit; idem in vol. 2, at fol. 287r).
O: cl. Cambron O.Cist.; in 1888 acquired by Th. Phillipps (Cheltenham, Phillipps 335 en 8753); the Minneapolis volumes were in the possession of, among others, Sidney Cockerell, before they entered, in 1957, the James Ford Bell Collection.
R: Nb8 and Do5
Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, II.1063, books XVII-XXIV (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Hd12 (former: He12)
D: ca. 1300
P: Low Countries (Aulne), copied by Rogerus Valencenensis, monk at Aulne (fol. 351v: Hunc librum scripsit Rogerus Valencenensis, monachus alnensis).
O: cl. Aulne O.Cist.; in 1888 acquired by Th. Phillipps (Cheltenham, Phillipps 4643).
Brussels, Bibliothèque royale, II.1396, books I-VIII (He* I-VII)
Siglum: Hd6
D: 14th century
P: Northern France (Tournai ?)
O: Tournai, cl. Saint Martin O.S.B. (possibly, earlier in possession of cl. Cambron O.Cist.; in 1891 acquired by Th. Phillipps (Cheltenham, Phillipps 2074).
Douai, Bibliothèque municipale, 797, vol. 1, books I-IX,2 (He* I-VIII,2)
Siglum: Hd7
D: early 14th century
P: Northern France
O: cl. Marchiennes O.S.B.
L: A selection of color images is available in the Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux of the Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes at Paris.
R: He18
Namur, Musée Archéologique, Fonds de la Ville, 66, vol. 1, books I-XVI (He* I-XV); vol. 2, books XVII-XXXII (He* XVI-XXXI)
Siglum: Hd8
I: vol. 2 lacks book XXXI,16-51 (He* XXX,16-51), dealing with the life of Maria of Oignies.
D: vol. 1: 1503-1504 (fol. 188v: Explicit liber octauus speculi hystorialis et per consequens primum uolumen uel prima pars eiusdem speculi. Finitum anno domini MoCCCCCoIIIo in profesto omnium sanctorum; fol. 429v: Explicit liber XVIus Speculi hystorialis, idest secundum uolumen eiusdem speculi, scriptum et finitum Anno domini MoVcoIIIIo secunda die Iunii uidelicet in ipsa sollempnitate sanctissime et indiuidue trinitatis; vol. 2: 1505-1507 (fol. 246r: Explicit … tertium uolumen eiusdem speculi. Scriptum et finitum in monasterio de gardineto ordinis cisterciensis cui et pertinet liber iste. Anno domini 15c5 in profesto sancti mathie apostoli 3a dominica quadragesime; fol. 538v: Explicit quarta pars ... scripta et finita anno domini MoVcVIIo 3a die ianuarii).
P: Southern Belgium (cl. Jardinet)
O: cl. Jardinet O.Cist. (owner's marks in vol. 1 at fols. 1r (17th century), 10r, 196r and 429v, and in vol. 2 at fols. 246r and 538v)
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 17550, books XVI-XXXI,127 (He* XVI-XXXI,127)
Siglum: Hd9
I: Starting from book XXIII,148, a contemporary second hand added numerous quotations from Douai version (He) XXIV-XXXII.
D: ca. 1265
P: France (Paris)
O: Paris, cl. Couvent des Jacobins de la rue Saint-Jacques O.P.
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 738 (4A5), books II,40-VIII (He* I,40-VII); 738 (4A6), books IX,4-XVI (He* VIII,4-XV); and 738 (4A7), books XVII-XXIV (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Hd10 (former He94 for 738 (4A7))
I: Illuminated leaves have been cut out from the three volumes, causing loss of text.
D: 738 (4A5): 1465 (fol. 191v: Et sic finitur prima pars siue primum uolumen Speculi historialis … anno Domini Moccccolxvo); 738 (4A6): 1467 (fol. 303v: Et sic finitur hic secunda pars siue secundum uolumen Speculi hystorialis … in profesto uenerabilis Bede presbiteri. Anno domini Millesimo. Quadringentesimo. Sexagesimo septimo); 738 (4A7): ca. 1470.
P: Netherlands (Deventer, Fratres Vitae Communis ?)
O: Probably Utrecht, Collegiate chapter of Saint Mary's Church.
L: Digital facsimiles of 738 (4A5), 738 (4A6) and 738 (4A7).
R: Hde2
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, S.n. 12704, books I-VIII (He* I-VII); S.n. 12705, books IX-XVI (He* VIII-XV)
Siglum: Hd11
D: ca. 1480
P: Flanders (Rooklooster near Brussels)
O: cl. Rooklooster (near Brussels) Can. S.Aug.; Brussels, Chambre héraldique; Vienna, Fideikommissbibliothek since 1799; since 1919 in the Nationalbibliothek.
The following manuscript of the Saint-Jacques version contains elements of the Klosterneuburg (Hb) or Vienna (Hc) versions and of the Douai version (He):
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, lat. 4897, books I-V,11 and XI,109-XVI,99 (He* I-IV,11 en X,109-XV,99)
Siglum: Hdbc1
I: The list of chapter titles of books II-VII originally conformed to Hb or Hc (both versions share the same characteristics for these books), but it has been corrected conforming to He II-VIII; the list of chapter titles of the following 24 books originally conformed to Hd but has been corrected conforming to He IX-XXXII; the text of books IV and V has been adapted following He.
D: end of 13th century
P: Northern France
O: De Béthune
L: A monochrome facsimile (microfilm) is available in the Gallica database of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
The following manuscripts of the Saint-Jacques version contain elements of the Douai version (He):
London, British Library, Add. 25441, books XVII-XXIV (He* XVI-XXIII)
Siglum: Hde1
I: The scribe placed signs of cross-reference at several passages of book XXIV; having finished book XXIV, he incorporated passages from He XXIV, using the same signs.
D: end 13th century
P: Northern France
O: Tournai, cl. St. Martin O.S.B. (fol. 270v: liber sancti martini Tornacensis); owned by P.P.C. Lammens; acquired by the British Library in 1863.
Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 738 (4A8), books XXV,3-XXXII (He* XXIV,3-XXXI)
Siglum: Hde2
I: Passages from He XXV-XXXII have been incorporated into the text; illuminated leaves have been cut out, causing loss of text.
D: 1472 (fol. 295v: Anno ab incarnacione domini Mocccco lxxiio in festo sancti Vrbani pape et martiris completum ac finitum est hoc quartum et ultimum uolumen Speculi historialis …).
P: Netherlands (Deventer, Fratres Vitae Communis ?)
O: Probably Utrecht, Collegiate chapter of Saint Mary's Church.
R: Hd10
Image: Rouen, Bibliothèque municipale, 1333, f° 7ro.