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The editions of the Speculum Doctrinale

Editions before 1700

  • [Straßburg, R-printer, i.e. Adolf Rusch] [ca. 1477] A digital facsimile is available of a copy kept at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich: 2 Inc.c.a. 236,2.

  • Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, March 16, 1486. Two digital facsimiles are available: – a facsimile of a copy kept by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich: 2 Inc.c.a. 1850. – a facsimile of a copy kept by the University Library at Würzburg: I.t.f.473. The text itself will be made available by using advanced methods of optical character recognition.

  • Venice, Hermann Liechtenstein, January 13, 1494. A digital facsimile is available of a copy kept by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich: 2 Inc.c.a. 2960 a#Beibd. 1.

  • Venice, Domenico Nicolini, 1591. A digital facsimile is available of a copy kept by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek at Munich: 2 1634-2/3.

  • Douai, Balthazar Bellère, 1624 [Benedictini collegii Vedastini [eds], Bibliotheca Mundi. Vincentii Burgundi, ex ordine Praedicatorum venerabilis episcopi Bellovacensis, Speculum Quadruplex, Naturale, Doctrinale, Morale, Historiale ..., vol. 2, Duaci 1624 (reprint: Graz 1964-1965)]. A digital representation of books 7 and 12-16 (= books 6 and 11-15 in the Douai 1624 edition) is available in the Bases Textuelles of the former Atelier Vincent de Beauvais at Nancy.

Editions and translations after 1700

Latin text

  • Hervieux, L., Les fabulistes latins depuis le siècle d'Auguste jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Âge. Vols. 1 and 2: Phèdre et ses anciens imitateurs directs et indirects. Paris 1884, vol 1, pp. 423-460; vol. 2, pp. 234-245. [2nd ed. Paris 1893-1894; reprinted New York 1965; Hildesheim 1970; [Boston] 2004.] [edition of book IV, cc. 114-123, presenting 29 Aesopian fables derived form the Romulus vulgaris]

  • An annoted edition of the Speculum Doctrinale is available in SourcEncyMe (SOURCes des ENCYclopédies MEdiévales) of the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes at Paris.

  • A digital representation of books 6 and 11-15 of the edition Douai 1624 (= books 7 and 12-16 of the Speculum Doctrinale) is available in the Bases Textuelles of the Atelier Vincent de Beauvais at Nancy.


  • Burnett, Ch., Vincent of Beauvais, Michael Scot and the «New Aristotle». In: Lusignan, S., Paulmier-Foucart, M. [eds], avec la collaboration de M.-C. Duchenne, "Lector et compilator". Vincent de Beauvais, frère prêcheur. Un intellectuel et son milieu au XIIIe siècle, Grâne (Editions Créaphis), 1997 (Rencontres à Royaumont), pp. 198-205. [sections from books I and XVI, with an English translation]

Image: edition Straßburg, R-printer [Adolf Rusch] [ca. 1477] (no pagination).

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